Academic Profile
My focus of work in research and teaching: Beratungs- und Kommunikationsprozesse im Kontext von Diversität und Mehrsprachigkeit, Fachkräfteeinwanderung und Willkommenskultur, emotionale Intelligenz & Self Care in der Beratung
Current focus of research
- Challenges of culture-sensitive consulting
- Institutional communication in multilingual contexts
- Cultural divergences in practices of learning and teaching
- Strengthening empathy and taking multiple perspectives by context-based working with critical incidents
- Research-based development of didactic formats for specific learning contexts (intercultural didactics)
- Diversitysensibles Sprechen in institutionellen Kontexten
- Evaluierung eines Fachkräfteeinwanderungsprogramms (indonesische Pflegekräfte)
National References
▪ Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit Mannheim & Schwerin: BA Consulting for education, occupation and job & BA Managing labor markets; Certificate program scientific training;
▪ Hertie School of Governance; Professional Development Courses
▪ Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Courses of study: MA of Intercultural Communication Studies;
MA Culture management; MA Media, Culture, Communication; MA socio-cultural studies; BA
Cultural Sciences
▪ Stiftungs-Universität Hildesheim, Course of study: MA Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (2012)
▪ Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, MA of Intercultural Conflict Management
▪ Central European School of Management Frankfurt (Oder)/Słubice (PL), Modules within MBA Course of Study
and additional Course of Study Cross Cultural Consultant
▪ Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik Berlin, Course of Study: MA Economic Communication
International References
▪ Aix-Marseille Université: Département d'études germaniques; Licence langues, littératures et civilisations
étrangères et régionales (LLCER), Allemand; langues étrangères appliquées (LEA)
▪ University of Texas, Austin, USA; Center for European Studies.
▪ Université du Luxembourg, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, Arts and Educational Sciences, MA
Learning and Communication in multilingual and multicultural contexts
▪ Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lille, France, Programm: Double Diplôme Franco-Allemand
▪ Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis/France, IUT Département “Information-Communication”
▪ Università degli Studi di Urbino, Carlo Bo, Urbino/Italien, Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
▪ Adam-Mieckiewicz-Universität Poznań/Polen, Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej (Institut für Angewandte
▪ Malmö University, Dept. Of Urban Studies, MA Environmental Studies; Dept. of teacher’s education
▪ Szkoła Wyzsza Psychologii Spółecznej, Wrocław/Polen, (Intercultural Societal Psychology
▪ Kültür-University Istanbul/Türkei, 1st International Jean Monnet Summer School 2008: Governance and
Decision-Making in Turkey and the European Union: Prospects for Intercultural Dialogue
▪ St.-Kliment-Ohridski-Universität, Sofia/Bulgarien, Südosteuropäisches Medienzentrum
Networks / Academic Memberships
I cooperate with numerous institutions, NGOs and scientists in Germany and internationally.
Areas: Research, Teaching, Consulting & Assessment
Scientific Association:
Mitglied des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für interkulturelle Kommunikation an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen (IKS) Member of the International Academy of Intercultural Research Verband der Hochschullehrenden für interkulturelle Kommunikation an deutsch-sprachigen Hochschulen (IKS)
Appraiser work:
Magazine: Diversity research and management
Magazine: Forum Qualitative Social Reseach
Magazine: ZFHE Magazine for deveoping Universities
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik
Journal of Applied Interdisciplinary Research (JAIR).
Scientific Advisory Board:
National Association of Emotional Intelligence